Buying a pool table from Craigslist can be a very good idea if you are looking for an affordable table that will play well and last a long time. Most pool tables sold in stores are low quality, made in China knock offs of high quality, hand built American pool tables. You can find a good table on Craigslist with a little effort, patience and some homework. We got out info from a solid Houston billiards company.
What To Look For In A Pool Table
First of all you are looking for a name placard or label of some sort, Chinese made pool tables are usually no name brand or even disguised as American made like the Chinese made “American Heritage” pool table brand, how sad. Olhausen, Brunswick, and Diamond are just a few American pool tables, here is a few more:
- A. E. Schmidt Billiard Company
Golden West Billiards
Charleston Billiards
More Details
Size – The measurement of the table relative to the size of the area it will probably be installed is of the utmost concern. You may very well be able to manage some of the normal 7, 8 or 9 foot tables but too large for the space into which it is to be installed may not be a sensible choice, if it is it. Consideration must be given to the quantity of playing space needed round the table. The playing experience will be spoiled by setting a table in a space that enables space that is insufficient for making shots.
You must consider if you wish to invest in a slate table top. This really is the hard place that puts right below the billiards believed and is crucial for suitable ball play. Slate is the conventional table top of alternative since it’s been for centuries, but that is not to say that there are not other options that are available for you. Investigate materials. This stuff is technologically advanced high density fiberboard. What is nice about this stuff is the balls roll on it as well as it includes a pretty great guarantee. But when you’ve got the cash to spend, then you need to definitely opt for slate since it’s the best surface to play billiards on.
Shipping – Is there any shipping or handling costs? This is especially significant if you need any of the materials imported or the table imported. If you are shopping online, it really never hurts to ask retailer or the maker should they provide free shipping and handling since this could make or break a price, depending upon your budget. And you also have to be careful because lots of online retailers make their money not in the actual item that they are selling but through the shipping and handling fees. Online comparison shopping is clever, but you should make sure that you are looking at all of the variables, including transportation, to make sure you are getting the best price in your pool table.
Accessories – Now you’ve made your choice for the best pool table, look at the accessories. Don’t forget the pool cues, as well as a rack to go with them. Cue stands can be mounted, standalone or get yourself a cue claw.